Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Look at the research article that I found this evening:

Persistent Organic Pollutant Residues in Human Fetal Liver and Placenta from Greater Montreal, Quebec: A Longitudinal Study from 1998 through 2006

by Josée Doucet, Brett Tague, Douglas L. Arnold, Gerard M. Cooke, Stephen Hayward, and Cynthia G. Goodyer

I was doing a little recreational literature search to try to track down some horror stories about the bioaccumulation of the fire-retardant chemicals known as PCBs when I happened upon this little jewel.

Not only is this article free to everyone, but it's like five kinds of creepy all at once.

The short of it: human fetuses have been reliably found to have fire-retardant chemicals in them, now.

Yeah. I don't know exactly what this means for the future of humankind. I don't think that Science (with a capital S!) has figured it out, either. But it's SO CREEPY!!!!!!!

That is all for tonight.

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