Sunday, June 26, 2011

Poem: My Pretty XBox

My pretty XBox hums and glows.
It gives me movies, shows and games.
My love of XBox grows and grows.
So much I ought to feel ashamed.

I recline in my room for hours,
nursing on its flashing lights.
My body atrophies and sours.
Lovely days, beatific nights.

But I assert with confidence,
that there ARE worser ways to be.
You should have seen the sloth I was,
when I still had cable TV.

Poem: Helping Friends Move

This is a poem that I sort-of coughed up by accident, while thinking about how I feel today. It has been a lovely weekend of work and loafing.

Helping Friends Move

Of burning muscles, burning throat.
The noble sorrows which I gloat.

I helped my friends move boxes there.
Both up and down infinite stairs.

An act of love, camaraderie,
I gave my yesterday to thee.

But focusing now on my health,
I give today all to myself.